Insights and resources for churches and nonprofits.
Church Space: Think Outside the (Sacred) Box
On the other side of the pandemic lockdown, there may be ample opportunity for churches who are willing to purchase or lease non-traditional spaces.
Phishing Scams
Every organization is a possible target for phishing scams. Here’s how to identify them and avoid being a victim of them.
Budgeting: Best estimate or Vision Casting Opportunity?
Do you view your budget as a best estimate or a vision casting tool? What is God calling you to? How should we plan if we trust He will provide?
Income and SECA Taxes for Clergy
There is a lot of confusion about how members of the clergy are taxed. Auxilio unpacks the basics.
Navigating the New W-4
Did you know there’s a new W-4? There is and it no longer asks for the number of allowances, rather, it requires the employee to calculate a dollar figure for deductions.
A July Fiscal Year Start?
A July Fiscal Year start? That’s what Auxilio recommends to our church clients. If you’re currently using a calendar year as your fiscal year, read on to see if a change might be right for you.
Resurrection Hope
Auxilio prays this Easter Season brings abiding peace and fuels us to love others, as Christ has loved us.
What To Do If You Experience Unemployment Fraud
During COVID, when many lost their jobs or were furloughed for a time, the need for unemployment benefits was great and so was the opportunity for scammers to collect them in your name.
Could the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) be an option for you?
Last week CapinCrouse hosted a webinar about the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) component of the CARES Act and the recent updates by Congress. Talk to your Auxilio Partner Strategist to find out if ERC may be applicable for your church or organization, even if you received a PPP loan last year.
Perpetual Innovation
Today’s tech environment requires a new paradigm of continual small innovations along the way rather than big overhauls once a system is woefully outdated or broken.
Password Security
Your memorable password has probably already been compromised! A password manager can help you set, store, and automatically fill unique passwords to keep your credentials secure and reduce the burden of remembering them.
When and How to Invest Your Reserves
Does your church or nonprofit have a significant reserve? What should you consider when you think about investing a portion of it?
CCLI - A Quick Guide to Song Lyrics
Auxilio covers the ins and outs of copyright licensing for songs and what a CCLI license and additional software can provide.
Managing Remote Workers in a Pandemic
Managing remote staff and volunteers requires even greater intentionality. Auxilio shares ideas on how to support and lead your remote teams well.
What to Expect in January
Here’s a summary of what to expect in January in terms of W2s, 1099s for contractors and giving statements for donors.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
As followers of Christ, we must tune our hearts to Jesus amidst the noise and distraction of the day.
Second Round of PPP Loans Available
The latest stimulus bill makes additional Paycheck Protection Plan loans available to nonprofits and churches. Learn more about those parameters.
A Message of Thanks to Our Clients
As we look back over 2020, we at Auxilio are thankful for you, our clients and partners. Read on to learn about improvements we look forward to in 2021.