Encouraging Generosity

Many are hit hard economically by this pandemic. But for others, the coronavirus pandemic has reduced their spending and increased their savings. Many churches and pastors have shied away from encouraging giving, not wanting to put undo pressure on those who are struggling. But what if this is an opportune time to encourage those who aren’t adversely affected by the crisis to cultivate generosity and give sacrificially? This article, The K Shape: Implications for Churches, on the X Pastor blog explores these ideas and gives guidance on how to talk to your congregation about giving during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What about novice givers? Many young adults and those new to the church (and frankly some who’ve been around along time) don’t yet have habits of giving. Historically, most churches have not taught plainly and openly about giving. Perhaps for those in your congregations who aren’t giving or giving generously, stewarding finances and sacrificial giving were not modeled for them. They are likely willing, but in need of an on-ramp. How can you encourage novice givers to begin and set a strategy for growing their giving?

Auxilio shares this guide on How to Start Giving developed by Grace Downtown, of the Grace DC Network in Washington, DC, written by former staff member Rick Barry of the Center for Christian Civics. This is just one approach, but it may be a helpful resource to you as you seek to cultivate generosity in your church.


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