Suicide Prevention Month

While this is not the typical business-focused content Auxilio usually publishes, it is part of our effort to focus on big picture items impacting ministry overall since we are partners interested in gospel proclamation. We hope it’s a help to you in your ministry.

You might have seen the media advertising that September is National Suicide Prevention month. This may raise questions for those of you who are pastors and ministry leaders, as many in your orbit may see you as the “go-to” for all life’s questions and needs. You may encounter or even pastor someone who is struggling with suicidal ideation. 

Statistics show that many people have suicidal thoughts (see the National Institute of Health’s stats on suicide). Over the last eighteen months, symptoms of mental distress including suicidal ideation have become more common and acute as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic (Mental Health, Substance Use, and Suicidal Ideation During the ... ). Some populations have seen an uptick in suicide attempts (Persons 12-25 Years of Age ).  Thankfully, there are many resources to intervene when someone is planning to end their life. One resource comes from the Interfaith Network on Mental Illness, and is tailored specifically to clergy: Video Series – INMI

A note on language: Recently, the mental health field has made a push to use the language “died by suicide” or “completed suicide” rather than the historical phrase “committing” because of the connotation surrounding that word. People commit crimes, and while suicide is a heartbreaking a gutwrenching reality, it is unhelpful to criminalize those who struggle with suicidal ideation. Sadly, it is not a question of “if” but “when” you will engage with someone who has suicidal thoughts. Though the scope of this blog post is not nearly wide or deep enough to cover all that you need to know, please consider getting educated about the risks, protective factors and best practices related to suicide and suicide intervention. 


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255)

NIMH » Video and Audio about Suicide Prevention 

Suicides Rise in Black Population During COVID-19 Pandemic  

Are suicidal thoughts common?

5 Common Myths About Suicide Debunked | NAMI

Suicide statistics

Suicidal Thoughts Are More Common Than You Might Think: How Workplaces Can Help Reduce The Stigma

Five steps you can take to help someone in emotional pain