Partnering with your church in uncertain times

Auxilio in Latin means to help, support, partner, or remedy. We started this company to provide the foundational business operations to support churches in growing their vision of leading people to Jesus Christ. Three weeks ago, executing on our core mission had a different cadence than it does today given the current uncertainty regarding the coronavirus pandemic. However, in light of the current events, we are even more determined to partner with you and deliver timely, relevant, and practical information as you lead your church or organization through this outbreak.

We also want you to know that prayer is an essential part of the daily and weekly routines at Auxilio. We are praying for you, your churches, and your families. We know that the Lord sits enthroned as King forever and we pray that He grants you strength and wisdom in the days to come. 

Lord willing, this will be the first of many posts where we can share our thoughts and pass along practical illustrations of the actions others are implementing. These ideas may or may not work for your specific situation, but we feel that over-communicating during times of tumult is preferable to under-communicating.

The goal of our new Resources blog is to share practical guidance for leading your church or organization through these uncertain times.

We’ll also include a post related to a relevant question that many are likely asking. This week we are focused on answering the question: does my church need to pay rent when we can’t meet in our building? We hope you find this information beneficial.

Lastly, we want to hear from you. Are there any specific topics or particular challenges you’re currently facing that you’d like us to address? Feel free to reach out with any questions, comments or ideas.

In Christ, 

— The Auxilio Team


7 resources for shepherding well during COVID-19