7 resources for shepherding well during COVID-19

Leadership is hard and often lonely. It can seem like everyone is looking to you to decide what they should do. We stand by our word that we want to partner with you as a laborer for the gospel.

Below are just a few simple ways that we pray will help you be able to lead yourself, your families, and your team. God is, in fact, with you, he always will be. And by God’s grace, so will we.

Resources for leaders

Example of one church’s goals for the next season

The current Coronavirus outbreak provides a unique opportunity to point people to Jesus as they face hardships, anxiety and confusion. We hope you are encouraged by the example below from Grace Hill Church in Northern Virginia.

At Grace Hill Church, our goal is to leverage the unique circumstances of the COVID-19 outbreak to see our church grow in personal (rather than ‘programatized’) relationships within their household, with one another, and with their neighbors. We will know we are successful in accomplishing this goal if the following is occurring more than four weeks after our church returns to normal Sunday worship services:

  1. At least 10 families are regularly participating in weekly family worship together that previously were not.

  2. The average church member would indicate that they have developed more close, trusting friendships within the church.

  3. At least 10 non-Christians or new Christians regularly gather with the church as a result of being invited by a church member to view the Live Stream.

Key Results

To accomplish this goal, we will:

  1. Begin a sermon series streamed on Sunday mornings that addresses common questions/assumptions that prevent non-Christians from considering Jesus.

  2. Stream a Q&A video on Mondays at noon answering questions submitted during Sunday’s sermon.

  3. Provide parents with a curriculum so that they can lead weekly family worship.

  4. Stream a Wednesday night Bible Study that encourages household discussion.

  5. Fast on Wednesdays during lunch and host a prayer call via Zoom.

  6. Launch “Friday School” where we stream clear training and weekly challenges on Fridays directed toward church members in the areas of family worship, church care, and reaching neighbors.

Are there other resources or techniques that you have found useful while leading during this uncertain time? Send us an email, we’d love to hear about your experiences.


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Partnering with your church in uncertain times