Hiring: Recruiting

In last week’s post, the first in our series Human Resources: Recruiting, Hiring, and Retaining Great Employees, we covered how to determine compensation for an employee. This week we continue with the question “Where can I find gifted, passionate staff.”


The best foundation for successful recruiting is to make sure you are clear about what you’re recruiting someone for. Is your mission compelling? Will it draw the kind of person who will be the right fit for your church or organization’s vision and culture? Is the job description clear? Will it give candidates an accurate and realistic picture of the duties and workload? We’ll cover how to develop job descriptions in an upcoming post as this will help you avoid ambiguity in both the hiring process as well as job execution. 

For recruiting, your best resource is your trusted network. Tap into those who know you and your church or organization best. If appropriate, get the word out to your church body or nonprofit staff, donors and board members, to other churches, pastors, and similar nonprofits. They’ll have a sense of the gifts needed and your preferred working style and may know of friends and associates who are looking for ministry opportunities. Your network is your best recruiting asset. 

Consider advertising in places where others with similar vision, theology and passions are bound to look. Seminaries, colleges and churches who host classified sections are a good bet.   In addition, for niche or hard to fill roles, you might outsource to a headhunter.

Can Auxilio Help Me with These Things?

Yes! Auxilio’s clients receive access to the full arsenal of Auxilio’s knowledge and experience. We can help you through every step of the hiring process as needed. If you’ve got specific questions about hiring, retaining, developing or firing staff, let us know. We’d be glad to talk through those and shape coming posts around the questions our clients have.

Up Next Week…Selecting a Candidate


Hiring: Selecting the Right Candidate


Hiring: Compensation