Hiring: Onboarding

This is the fourth and final post (for now) in our series Human Resources: Recruiting, Hiring, and Retaining Great Employees. Let’s look at making an offer of employment as well as onboarding your new hire, including giving them a warm welcome that reinforced your vision and values.  


When offering a job, we recommend you both make a verbal and written offer. A written offer of employment should include the basics: job title and brief description, salary, benefits, full-time or number of hours for part-time, work hours if applicable, supervisor. It’s at this time we recommend you share your Employee Handbook and ask candidates to sign both the offer and handbook to affirm acceptance of the job and receipt of the handbook.

Orientation and training will look different for each role. But you can expect it to take your time and attention for at least 1-4 weeks. Think about developing systems and documentation to set your new employee and all future employees up for success. 

A warm welcome to a new hire can be strategic. A welcome gift like a certificate to a local restaurant or coffee shop or any church or organizational swag (hats, t-shirts, etc) can help your new hire develop inroads into the community and make them feel like more of an insider. Your welcome gift can build a connection to the work that has already started and that the new hire will enter into such as books on your ministry context. 

Can Auxilio advise me in these HR processes?

As a trusted business partner, Auxilio helps our clients onboard their new hires. We advise on the issues of job descriptions, compensation and benefits and take care of legal and technical aspects of onboarding employees. We are always exploring the newest and best HR, IT and contact and project management systems to offer the best solutions for your context. If you would like to learn more about how the HR services Auxilio provides, contact us at hello@auxilio.partners.


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