Church Planting Hacks

A church plant has almost all the same needs as a mature church plus some specialized ones, often with less resources to call upon. Auxilio has many clients that are in various stages of church planting. Here are some of the most clever problem-solving endeavors we’ve seen church plants employ. Maybe one of these will be useful to you!

Hire Freelance Help

Outsourcing your business operations to Auxiio isn’t the only aspect of church for which you can hire outside help. Do you need project-based admin help? Consider posting a short-term job on a site like Upwork or Fiverr. Do you need a logo or graphics for your website or other publications but don’t have anyone in your core group or circles with those skills? Auxilio can recommend a graphic designer for a project and/or you can consider services like Church Media Squad for on-going services.*


Many church plants don’t think to negotiate for storage space with the venues from which they rent worship space. Onsite storage is gold! If onsite storage isn’t an option, compare the cost of a truck or van where equipment can be stored and hauled to offsite storage and the labor required to move supplies and equipment each week. With either option, we highly recommend investing in storage carts with sturdy wheels!

Empower your Volunteers

From the start, delegate as much as you can to volunteers. Develop a culture of every member ministry. Using the gifts of your core team or congregation helps to grow their skills and makes for an even more gifted body. It will also free you up from those things that aren’t your strengths or calling. Identify team leaders. Equip them. Encourage them to train up others. Build a replicable and sustainable model ministry.

Has your church plant employed a clever solution to a common issue? We’d love to hear about it and share it with others. Contact Auxilio at

*Though we mention a few outsource resources by name, we are not making a specific recommendation. We do not receive compensation from those we have named.


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