This is Personal

Today’s post is personal.  Two recent events have shaken me and, hopefully, changed and energized me. 

First, the video of George Floyd [as well as that of Ahmaud Arbery] is irrevocably seared into my consciousness. There was, in those 8-plus minutes, the evil of white privilege, supremacy and racism on full display.  Kneeling on the neck of someone not resisting but pleading for a little mercy and no one coming to his aid.

The second event was here in my hometown of Washington, DC last night, an event that was bizarre, disturbing and, unfortunately, emblematic.

Peaceful protesters [and I have not heard anyone challenge that description] in the park across from the White House were forcibly removed so that the president could have a photo op standing in front of a church holding a Bible.  It was a surreal moment - Here, look at me, I am one of "you", the faithful.

Both events were, for me, a profaning of everything my faith stands for. My Lord was grieved over sin, wept with Mary at the tomb of Lazarus, and then led by example when He said that there is no greater love than to lay down your life for a friend.  Interestingly though, the scripture says we were not friends when Christ died for us. We were not just protesting, in political opposition or even looting - we were actually "enemies" - totally opposed to all He stood for - and He died for us anyway. And He died that we would be transformed into His likeness.

Those of us in the church who are white must eradicate white privilege, say enough is enough, that humans of every race have the same privileges, the same opportunities. "These things I command you, so that you will love one another" [John 15:17] Love is action, and, as an "old white guy" with 3 black grandchildren, I pray that I will continue to listen, learn, and then speak where & when I can and support the changes needed in whatever ways I can.  God have mercy on me, a sinner.

Note - Here are a couple recent articles I have found helpful in my learning.  Please feel free to share books, articles that have been useful in your journey.


Race, Regathering & PPP


COVID Resources: CDC Guidelines and Family Ministry Discussion