Why Keep Your Database Current?

For all charitable organizations (including churches), Giving Statements are due to donors today, Jan 31st. You likely have already sent yours. But before any statements can go out the door, your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system or Church Management System (ChMS) needs to be updated. At some point in the past few months you were probably asked to do this. You may have wondered “Why? What’s the value of this?” — especially during such a busy season! 

Maintaining accurate information about donors and members, as well as those just beginning to engage with your ministry, plays a key role in being able to serve them well and grow your ministry. Think of the benefits of keeping your information up-to-date as “Accurate .. Effective … Personalized … Better.”

  • Accurate Information:

    • Regular updates ensure that the CRM or ChMS contains the most current and accurate information about members, donors, volunteers, and others you engage with. This includes contact details, preferences, and any changes to their marital status, family members, involvement, and interests. 

  • Effective Communication:

    • Up-to-date records enable you to communicate effectively. Your messages, promotions, and other communications are more likely to reach the right audience and be tailored to their needs.

Personalized Care:

  • Outdated or inaccurate information can lead to misunderstandings, errors, and missed opportunities. Updated records provide a comprehensive view of constituent interactions, allowing you to provide more personalized engagement. 

  • Better Decision-Making:

    • Updated records provide a more reliable foundation for analyzing trends, forecasting, and making strategic decisions based on the most recent constituent information.

In addition (and specific to this time of year), ensuring your records are current helps ensure that your donors receive proper giving statements. Auxilio recommends making updates on a regular, ongoing basis with a twice-annual review of the data. 

Your Auxilio team can provide some guidelines for reviewing data. Talk to your Partner Strategist about their recommendations for updating your CRM or ChMS.


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