Space - the Next Frontier

You may already be seeing signs of the economic impact in your community - businesses closing their doors, the loss of jobs, maybe your church is seeing a decrease in giving. These are the hard realities we are facing on top of the physical, mental and spiritual health effects and concerns of coronavirus. 

In addition to businesses, some nonprofits and even churches may not survive the economic effects of COVID-19. This will be sad and discouraging at times. We are called to mourn with those who mourn. Mourning may be one way we serve our communities in the coming days. But there is also another aspect of these impacts that the church should not overlook.

If businesses, nonprofits and even churches are forced to close their doors, there could be an opportunity for churches looking for new space to procure these newly available venues whether as rental space or for purchase. Would your church be ready to make the most of such an opportunity? Here’s a few questions to find out:

  • Are you strategically aware of the spaces in your community that would be a good fit for your congregation’s needs? 

  • Have you developed any relationships within the community to help you build bridges with those who currently occupy those spaces? 

  • If one became available, are you financially in a position to be able to pursue it? 

  • If appropriate, is there a way you could honor the legacy of those who have come before you and the rich history of the space itself?


Below is a list of helpful resources Auxilio has curated for you as you consider and prepare to purchase property:

While we should not revel in the ending of a season for another, we also should not slumber on what may be God opening a new door. Be alert, prayerful and ready. 


PPP Loan Forgiveness Update


Roadmap for Regathering