Financial Stewardship in an Era of Bank Failures

In light of recent bank failures, it is timely for churches and nonprofits to review diversification of their reserve cash. Auxilio hosted a webinar on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 where our guests covered three different approaches to stewardship of funds, from protecting your deposits with Insured Cash Sweep accounts, to options for earning money on your money with short-term or longer-term investment options. Our presenters were Sidney Doucette from Relay Financial, Darren Key from Christian Financial Resources, and Casey Hayden from Nicollet Investment Management.

This webinar is aimed at your organization’s Treasurer, finance committees or others who manage the financial big picture and/or policy of your church or nonprofit. We encourage you to share this webinar with them. We’ve embedded the recording below, and shared links to the presenters’ resources.

Additional Resources



Keep Your Nonprofit Compliant: Form 990 & Charitable Solicitation Registration


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