Image collage of a church, Bible page, and male pastor.

Business solutions for churches.

Offload the demands of your essential business functions and multiply your ministry.

See why 96.2% of our clients stay with us.

Balancing sermons and spreadsheets?

  • Missing the necessary financial view to make important decisions.

  • Dysfunctional systems that create dysfunctional relationships.

  • Implementing new technology and hoping older systems don’t break.

  • Needing to hire operational expertise but not having budget for it.

  • Training volunteers for crucial systems while hoping they won’t leave.

  • All the overwhelming busy-work keeping you from the ministry.

It doesn’t have to be this way—you've come to the right place.

👋 Hi, we’re Auxilio.

Finance, payroll, technology and more—one team for all your business service needs.

An efficient, scalable system that supports your whole organization.


Online giving




Credit card

Church Management



Strategic Foundation


Mission-driven. Church-focused.

Organizations we work with:

Circle illustration of a plant sprouting.

Church Plants

For first-time or seasoned church planters, we make a hard journey easier and a whole lot less lonely.

Circle illustration of a plant grown into a full church.

Established Churches

Your church has history (and likely some baggage too). We’ve seen it all and know how to help.

Circle illustration of a plant sprouting new leaves.

Church-based Non-profits

Ministries that grew up and moved out on their own. You’re ready to do big things and we’re here for it.

“Auxilio is one of the best things that happened to us. We don’t just have financial partners and teammates but really we have people who care about and are part of the mission.”

Rob Hamby, Point Hope Presbyterian Church, Charleston SC

Rob Hamby, Point Hope Presbyterian Church
Illustration of hands holding a sprouting plant.

Simplify. Streamline. Serve.

What if your business systems were streamlined and hassle-free without the headache? We’ll handle the setup and ongoing management while you do what only you can do.

Illustration of a website with a rocket to indicate church growth.

Full service support.

Different people managing different systems is a formula for distraction. Our all-in-one support covers your needs from accounting to zero-based budgeting. (That’s A to Z in case you were too distracted to notice).

Illustration of a leader looking at a map for strategic direction.

Strategy beyond Sunday.

Sunday is always coming—we get it. We keep our eyes on the big picture to help you make informed, strategic decisions for your faith-filled vision.

“Auxilio is the best church business partner that I’ve ever worked with in more than 20 years of ministry. I am an Auxilio evangelist now!”

Fletcher Lang, City on a Hill Church, Somerville MA

Fletcher Lang, City on a Hill Church, Somerville MA
Collage showing a church plant pastor in front of illustrated items of a laptop, church, sun, and checklist.

Less management. More ministry.

Church leaders face more distraction than ever before. What could you accomplish if you had a team to handle all your financial, payroll, donation, and technology maintenance?

Full service, on purpose*

*Full service, so you can be fully focused.


  • Budget preparation

  • Bookkeeping

  • Bill payment

  • Bank reconciliation

  • Financial reporting

  • Expense management

Payroll + HR

  • Payroll management

  • Employee onboarding

  • Benefits administration

  • Policy creation

Donor Management

  • Giving options

  • Gift processing

  • Donation tracking

  • Giving statements

  • Donor statements


  • Cloud infrastructure

  • Data security

  • Integrating systems

  • Technology strategy

Policy + Compliance

  • Legal compliance

  • Policy guidance

  • Risk management

  • Annual reporting

  • Audit support

Strategic Consulting

  • Missional alignment

  • Leadership resourcing

  • Change management

  • Growth planning

  • Consolidated reporting

“The level of care and support and structure that Auxilio has brought to our ministry has been amazing. I don’t know what we’d do without you guys.”

Denine Blevins, Executive Director, Parakaleo Ministry

Denine Blevins, Executive Director, Parakaleo Ministry

Auxilio: the easiest thing you haven’t done yet.




Full service

Specialized expertise

Advanced technology solutions


Security and scalability

Strategic support

Are you ready to multiply your ministry?

Articles and resources: